Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I truely believe that our blessings from God sometimes come through the troubles we have in life. Not all blessing come that way but the ones that gives us the most and truest of blessings. Because we can appreciate a blessing that is hard won. My Pastor Jesse Rose sad that sometimes God uses trouble and trails to help us know his path and to help humble us and help get back to where we need to be. I'm not one for qouting scripture as my memory fails me but I know that if we pray for Patience God bring it to us through Adversity. While I have not been praying for patience I have been praying fo rthe salvation of my family and that in itself can bring many trails, for it seems that some people are stubborn and need a little extra nudge from God to see the way. Last Friday our grandson Stephen in VA fell off his skateboard and was knocked out cold, he spent Friday through Monday in the Hospital two days of that in ICU. He has a 3" crack in the back of his skull and still might have brain swelling, but I believe God will prevail and Stephen will be well again soon. Then yesterday (Tuesday) I hurt my foot. I don't know how, it just started hurting and got progressively worse through out the evening and went to bed in pain and awoke in still more pain. Doctor thinks it tendonitius or maybe broken, or sprained. Xrays hopefully will show something. I just know it hurts and I can't walk, drive or anything But I am determined to let God do what he wills and use this to his advantage. Because I know a big Blessing is coming. Because I still plan or going to CA and AZ to see my kids and Grandbabies.


  1. yes barb , a blessing is coming for your diligence n faithfulness. Hang in there sweetie. God sees and knows! Continue your faithwalk...and He will bless you in the end.

  2. Yes he is glad I'm back, he had a tone of paper that needed filing and organized. And I had to talk him through finding a computer file while in San Diego.
