Monday, November 15, 2010


It's getting close to the holiday season once again. Where we gather together to be with family and to offer thanks for all that we have received this past year. And as we gather traditions come into play, some from generations back and some traditions that new family adds as the family grows. When our children were little we had those traditions. On Thanksgiving day the children would play and be with each other and help me as I prepped the dinner feast. Some peeled potatoes some made desserts, each geared to what their little hands could do. But the one thing I started was to put black olives on one hand of each child. Counting 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -5.
They loved getting new fingers and eating the olives, it helped keep them from getting to hungry as I prepped and it taught them to count at least to five. Another tradition was as we gathered together we started with the youngest going to the oldest telling one thing we were thankful for that year. And then we prayed. Asking Gods blessing over the bounty of blessings that year and for his favor in the new year coming. This year as I prepare for this wonderful season of Thanksgiving and Christmas I would like to keep the memory of traditions going forward. Pass on your memories to your children, tell them of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncle and even friends. So they can form traditions of their own and keep family traditionsthey already know going forward through the years. What ever the tradition, it has many memories attached to it. So Lord thank you for family, for traditions and for memories and for all the wonderful blessings given throughout all our lives.

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