Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I collect Nativity Scenes. I love them, and at one time I had so many I could not put them all out at Christmas, so I began keeping them out all the time. But when I moved from San Diego to Ohio I left most of my Nativities behind and had to start over. Now I have about 6. It's not the Nativity itself that I like so much, some are very beautiful but what it represents. That first Christmas so long ago and the wonderful gift mankind received that year. As the Christmas Holiday season gets closer I look forward to setting out my Nativity Sets but I look forward even more to celebrating that wonderful first gift to mankind. The birth of Our lords Son, Jesus who was sent here so that we who believe in him might have life eternally with him someday. The Nativities are just a reason to share the wonderful scriptures that foretold of his coming birth. For behold you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes..... And Low a heavenly Host appeared saying Glory to the highest peace on earth goodwill to men... So beautiful so full of promise and Jesus did come born in a manger, the lowliest of places to be born a stable but that didn't matter because his birth was a promise fulfilled. How wonderful, To know that God so loved us he sent his only son to earth as a tiny baby to live as we did, to feel our sorrow our pain and even our joys. He was more then a man. He was Emmanuel, God with Us. The Nativities represent what God did for us by sending his only son to us as a gift the first Christmas so very long ago.

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