I have a book that I got when The Oaks Family Father and Son visited our church this past year. It was written by Pat Oaks and its stories about her family and experiences. It's called "The Old Green Rocker." In it I found a story that she related about a visit to the store and how a mom with two small children in tow was having troubles at the auto check out. The young son kept saying Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas. The mom turned and said "Be quiet Christian" and the young boy did for a bit, but started again. What got me about the story is what she said. We as christians are stopped by the world's perception of the Politically correctness of not stepping on anothers religious rights (Non-Christians and atheists) I quote what she wrote here.
(The first thing I thought was that Christian was aptly named. This little boy truly was a follower of Christ. He was also setting an example for the rest of us. We are so afraid of what "The World" will think that when The World hisses, "Be quiet, Christian!" we are!)
Here it is the most wonderful time of the year. We are celebrating the birth of "OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST." But we have forgotten what Christmas is really about. We forget why God sent his son here for us. NOt for gifts and for a jolly good time but to save us. From What? from our sins. The world is corrupt, but Christ is everything pure and wonderful and Good. The scripture that comes to mind is not a traditional Christmas verse but John 3:17 For God sent his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might live. So as we celebrate this Christmas let us live it through him.
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