Last night I had a dream. I was at a baby shower or baby dedication, not sure which. I should have written it down but again I didn't. In the dream there were two babies. There was also a lot of women there. I was quoting Duet chapter 6. Where we are to bring our children to God to raise them. There was other scriptures but Duet. stuck qith me for some reason. I was told that I needed to head up a women's ministry. And then I woke up. Or I should say the cat woke me up. Good thing as our alarm didn't go off and it was 7:00 A.M. and we were late by half an hour. :( But the dream or parts of it are still with me even after 5 plus hours.
I know I should be more involved in church but have been holding back because of what went on at my old church. No they never hurt me but when I left to move back home I felt cheated by my Church family. I don't want to be in that position again. I want the spiritual freedom that I see in my friend Debi. The closeness she has with God and her family and her husband. No I do not envy her. She is truly blessed. But I do wish to have that closeness she has. Is this dream telling me to get more involved or is it telling me something else. Is the fact that two children were also in the dream mean something. Could it be that I am missing something? By asking these questions in a way am I answering myself. Am I missing something here? A relationship with my heavenly father that has been on hold for a long while now. Out of fear, no not fear , and not out of guilt. But on the hold just the same. Maybe this is what that dream was years ago where I was in my back yard at 5939 San Miguel Rd. in Bonita/Sunnyside CA. God was coming and the angels filled the sky. My mom was there my kids and friends at the time. But I was undecided and God left me hanging there and said I needed to make up my mind. Maybe I'm at that time. Duet 6 is about dedicating the raising of a baby in God holy words. To give that child the best of Church, Home and School. Am I that child? Or is it someone else?
I pray for an answer. DREAMS?
"But as for me and my House We will serve the Lord."
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