Questions! We all have them at one time or another? As a child we all go through that phase where we constantly ask why?, How?, or where? as parents we shudder at the constant questions but why? Questions show that our child is exploring his world, Trying to figure out how it works, or how other people think or do things. So we discourage them with glib remarks like I don't have time for this or If you ask one more question I'll put you to bed early or some such remark.
But here's my question why do we do it? We want our kids to learn and we want them to learn from us. Not some stranger that we don't even know. We trust teachers everyday to answer questions for our children trusting them to give them basic answers that all children have. But are they giving them the answers we want them to have. No I'm not talking about answers to learning things like math, science or spelling, but when we don't take the time to talk to them when they have questions that to us seems simple they will go to others for those answers and what they get may not be what we want our kids to know. That holds for children as well as adults. And as adults we trust that what we taught will hold fast in our children, but we still have to be open because they are still our children no matter what age they get to be. We need to answer the questions they have even if we are not comfortable with that question, we need to be honest enough to say I don't know but lets explore your options. Recently I came into a situation where my adult child was looking at "meditation" as a way of finding herself. Of seeking answers in an area that to me is off limits. I have been taught that meditations, leads to visions, that leads tarot cards or seeing a palm reader, that leads to dealing with Occult. It scared the heck out of me. So I did the wrong thing by rebuking it in a public forum. Instead of talking to my adult child about my fears I closed myself off. I hid behind my fear. Oh, I prayed about it but I did not talk to my child. I did not even try to talk to that child. Why, because I knew that I'd get pat answers. (This is a wrong attitude to take.) Yes, my child was going thru a difficult time. Yes my child is living in another state. So I am not close at hand to be the parent I once thought I would be. But instead of asking why. I did the pat thing, I closed myself off. Thinking that this child is a grown adult. This child can do what needs to be done to find the peace sought. But I was wrong. I was told that, how I sought answers is not how my child seeks answers. That my western religion is a bunch of people who talk the talk Sunday but on Monday forget what was taught. And in some cases that is true. But not all people who are "Christians" are of that ilk. The ones I know are true believers. They have that relationship with the Lord that many seek but never find. Yes I do know the kind my child speaks of. But I know a few who really walk the walk and talk the talk. Those are who I trust. They told me what I knew in my heart is that my child needs to seek the true face of God. Seek that inner peace that only he can bring. We can look for answers to our questions in meditation, drugs, alcohol or even free sex. But we won't ever find the peace we need unless we seek the face of God. Truly seek his face, not in the physical but in the spiritual. Many churches today have lost the way. And Jesus taught this in his lessons on the seven churches. There is only one way to find the peace my child seeks and that is by asking Jesus back. Seek his face and my child will find the peace sought after. I to have found his peace. Peace from the worries of everyday life. By being in his presence. Life is not easy, its full of questions with no easy answers but we can make finding those answers when we have the Lord by our side in a true spiritual relationship. I was told this week that the very center verse of the Bible is found in Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you. Amazing that God who should be the center of our life has put that verse at the center of his word. ?????
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