Monday, September 26, 2011


Man people seem to be a part of a big "happy" family. They have children, spouse and some even have parents still living and most have a sibling or two to pester them now and then. But even with all that there are some out there that are "alone". They have loved ones but do those loved ones really know them. Do they embrass them and let them know they are loved and cared for. OR are they alone. Do they make them feel a part of the family or do they go about their business as usual. I remember the words to the song "CATS AND THE CRADLE AND THE SILVER SPOON" that basically starts out with the child asking the father to spend time with him and the father says "We'll get together then son" and later as the years have gone the father asks the son the same question, and the son replies "we'll get together then dad." But that time never comes and before you know it that loved one is gone. They had a family but they were alone, either because they didn't let the family in or because they were busy or distance kept them apart. Sometimes in seconds families the children don't like the parents new spouse or they resent the love that that "Step " Parent has to offer because they feel there parent is the only ones that can love them. But really that's not true. A child can have stepparents love like or even better then the real parent. But what I am saying is that look at your family. Do you see one that is in the midst of the family by really is n ot there but on the outside looking in wanting to be a part but not being accepted for who they are or what they can offer.

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